Hello world

Haarlem, 2024

Welcome to my place!

For the last couple of months I’ve been working on this site. I can’t believe it is finally alive!

What are you going to find here?

  • My work
  • My ideas
  • Helpful information related to Photography (specially in regards of content creation)
  • Tips, tricks and other stuff useful for your entrepreneurship life

What do I want from you? Feedback! I am always open to hearing what you have to say and how I can help you furthermore. You just have to leave a comment, send me a DM or reach out in any other way that you might want to.

This place is built with a lot of love and interest in helping you.

In the following days, I will start populating this blog with more content.

You can also suscribe to my Substack to recieve the new content everytime I post something new. If you are not familiar with Substack, it is basically a distribution platform that allows me to get in touch with you via email.

So… once again, welcome to my new site. I hope you enjoy the ride!


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